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ATPL SAMRA Exam Top 10 Questions and Answers

Apr 15, 2024

ATPL SARON Exam Top 10 Questions and Answers

Apr 15, 2024

INRAT Exam Top 10 Questions and Answers

Apr 14, 2024

INRAT Exam Top 10 Questions and Answers

exam prep Apr 14, 2024

Question 1: Flight Operations

When flying a GPS overlay approach, the underlying NAVAID(s): 

 A) Must be operational before the start of the approach procedure.

 B) The ident morse code must heard through the entire approach.

 C) Does not need to be operational. But, if it is operational it's good airmanship to monitor it.

 D) Must be fully operational at all times. 

Question 2: Air Law

What is the maximum holding speed at 5,000 feet ASL?

 A) 200 knots groundspeed

 B) 230 knots airspeed

 C) 230 knots groundspeed

 D) 200 knots airspeed

Question 3: Flight Operations

Strong radar contours of thunderstorms should be avoided by at least? 

 A) 3 NM

 B) 15 NM

 C) 20 NM

 D) 5 NM

Question 4: Air Law

What is the floor of the Arctic Control Area?

 A) FL270 and up

 B) FL290 to FL410

 C) FL180

 D) FL250

Question 5: Meteorology

What is the characteristics of Rime Ice?

 A) Small droplets with a low catch rate

 B) Large droplets with a low catch rate

 C) Large droplets with a high catch rate

 D) Small droplets with a high catch rate

Question 6: IFR procedures

What is the Alternate IFR Weather minima for when there is one precision approach available?

 A) 400-1 or 200 1/2

 B) 600-2 or 300-1

 C) 800-2 or 300-1

 D) The forecast should be no lower than 500ft above minimum IFR altitude that will permit a VFR landing.

Question 7: Operations

You are presently flying an aircraft at 10,000 ft. ATC just cleared you to descend down to 5,000 ft. You must: 

 A) descend if you are sure there is no mountainous regions.

 B) descend promptly when you acknowledge the clearance.

 C) descend whenever you reach the Top Of Descend point.

 D) descend at pilot's discretion.

Question 8: Air Law

When is the DME slant range error the greatest?

 A) Low and close to the station

 B) High and close to the station

 C) Low and far from the station

 D) High and far from the station

Question 9: Air Law

What is the meaning of 'X' in the Instrument Landing System approach chart?

 A) It is out of order

 B) Localizer is more than 3 degrees from the centreline

 C) It is an experimental localizer 

 D) It is privately owned

Question 10: flight operations

You are flying at a TAS of 140 knots. What bank angle would produce a rate one turn? 

Angle of Bank = [TAS (Knots)/10] + 7

= [140/10] + 7

= 14 + 7

= 21

 A) 21 degrees

 B) 19 degrees

 C) 23 degrees 

 D) 17 degrees