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biggest weakness thumbnail

What is your biggest weakness?

pilot interview Mar 04, 2023

When asked about your biggest weakness in a pilot job interview, they want to see your self awareness and humbleness to point out your weak areas. Avoid sounding like you don't have a weakness like Top Gun Maverick. Also, don't try to hide a strength as a weakness such as "I work too hard". Finally avoid mentioning a weakness that is a skill required for the job such as avoid saying "I don't get along with people". Instead, give a relatable weakness.

Here is formula to help you answer this question. Weakness + how it's negatively affecting your life + steps you have already taken to improve.

Here are some steps to help you answer this question:

1. Choose a weakness: Think about a genuine area where you can improve, but that is not critical to the job requirements. For example: "I tend to be too hard on myself."

2. How it's affecting your life: For example: "By being too hard on myself it takes away my confidence to achieve other things"

3. Show how you are working to improve: Explain how you are actively addressing this weakness. This could include actions such as taking classes, seeking feedback, or working with a mentor. For example: "When I actually look back I realize I have come quite far. In the future I learnt to recognize my efforts and give myself a pat on the back for the progress I've made."

Another sample answer


For example, you could say, "One area where I'm currently working to improve is my public speaking. While I'm comfortable speaking in small groups, I tend to get nervous when presenting to larger audiences. To address this, I've been taking public speaking classes and practicing with colleagues."